ok so use this hack but change it to show the banners
"his instructions show to put it in title image but use these directions", note this all loads up your site and uses bandwidth,
HTML Code:
1) You need to upload the file logo.php to the directory of your banner image images/banners/.
2) Then upload the banners you want to rotate to "images/banners/" directory. (Delete example images from this folder else they will be used by rotation script)
---Images must be of all same size else the page jumps as the images gets taller or shorter.
--- Images can be in jpg, gif and png format.
3) Edit the html in ads to use this path as the pic "images/banners/logo.php".
<h3 {background-color:#b0c4de;} <center><a href="www.yourwebsite.com"><img src="images/banners/logo.php" border="0"></a>
this code is your ad after you edit it to your site, This should change an ad to a random image on every refresh