Well, maybe I don't see it that way. I will not argue with you or someone else 'cause I always respect people's opinion but I also don't think this, however certanly people is interacting more there, spending more time there, and thus, leaving less time for our forums so I'm sure it's pretty good a reason. Fight against facebook is like fighting destiny...lol, No matter how hard you try, you will fail their power is a fact. The time will come soon, I hope when facebook fade away as the vacuous nonsense they ultimately are. Looking for "how to" or open communities, nothing yet beats forums. What/ever really I'm still hating facebook.
The reason why I say this is because if you have a good niche forum, how will Facebook kill it? If you have good content, Facebook doesn't hurt you. in fact, you can use FB to find more content for your forums - quote things from users on fb, and make good threads.