Originally Posted by ti07shadow
Why would you change the age for Coppa?
I believe for most people making this change, it has nothing to do with COPPA, it's just a quick and convenient way to add a user-configurable age-restriction by altering the built-in COPPA check.
Note that if you use this, you should disable the "COPPA Registration System Cookie Check" in your admin, otherwise it has the opposite effect - the cookie will actually allow the user to register if their age is over 13 but under your age restriction. For example if a person enters their age as 16 then the initial check will stop the registration due to this hack, but then when the person clicks the Register button again it will check the cookie and allow the registration because it sees the age as over 13. A quick fix is to simply disable the Cookie Check option. A better fix would be to also alter the cookie check function to work with your age setting, but I don't have time to investigate that right now - if someone else wants to post a full fix that would be great