I have been receiving a 404 error when I originally go to the arcade and click a link in Firefox or Safari.
If I refresh arcade.php page after it has loaded the links are fine and go right to the games.
Here is an example of the 404 error url I receive. (If you notice the path repeats itself but the seesion ID dissapears when I post In here)
Here is an example of the url that works after I refresh the arcade.php .
It appears to be repeating twice...
Can anyone help?
I have donation for help.
To see my problem click on my signature and go to arcade and click on a game in safari or firefox.
You will notice that it takes you to a 404 and the file path is doubled?
After you arrive at the 404 go back to arcade and refresh browser and click on a game and it will work.???
Check it out it is a strange bugg...... It repeats the session ID twice and the /forum/ path.