I think it is funny how facebook's "suggest to friends" feature has now been only given to admins of a page- but even so it has been conveniently broken since October of 2010. Perhaps to sell more facebook ads would be my theory.
Facebook really helped my forum grow into something great by creating a page on facebook- so I must thank them for that- but now with my new forum, since 'suggest to friends' is not working I am having a very hard time getting my new forum out there without seeming spammy! So there is obviously + and - to facebook. The key is to create your forum to be content worthy and different from what someone gets out of facebook. Why would you go shopping at a camera store if you can get it at best buy? Because the camera store offers a unique service and more types of what you are looking for.
I know my forum is small but we are steadily growing, and facebook has helped with that. The key is getting them to stay and visit.