Originally Posted by Lynne
Have you considered putting in a support ticket and asking about the refund policy?
Yes I have, the reply I got is that there is no refunds after product has been downloaded...
They also mentioned being able to transfer the license after 90days however what they said specifily doesn't make much sense to me... they said,
One other option you do have is to transfer your license to a potential buyer after the required 90 day waiting period. Reference Section 1 of the vBulletin License Agreement:
"1. Grant of License
If you are the original licensee of the Software, you may make a one-time, permanent transfer of your license rights in the Software to a third party ("Subsequent Licensee") provided that five (5) conditions are met. The conditions are: (a) you are the original licensee, (b) the Software was purchased by you more than 90 days prior to the transfer, (c) you do not keep a copy of the Software for yourself, (d) the Subsequent Licensee agrees to the terms of this Agreement and the License, and (e) the Subsequent Licensee agrees to assume your license rights in the Software, excluding this transfer right. For sake of clarity, the right to transfer the Software belongs solely to the original licensee; the Subsequent Licensee is prohibited from transferring its rights to any third party."
Is a transfer same as selling or am I just giving it away? How does on complete the transfer?