Ok...so call me goofy, but these days I have too little time to keep up with learning all the coding language.
I know what routines I need to make a hack I am sure MANY forums could really use...but not how to write them....
I submit this here in hopes one of you can help me out...
1. Adding a field to the forum table called "Bannerzone".
2. Adding Admin CP ability to create and edit Bannerzones and templates for them.
3. Adding Admin CP ability to place a forum (and it's children) into a specific bannerzone.
4. Editing .php file/s to call the appropriate bannerzone template when $bannerzone is invoked.
Why??? Because at present, the only way for me to place different banners in different areas of the boards is for me to create a new template for each. This disables my ability to allow users access to multiple "skins" or templates from which they can choose. This would allow me to easily edit a template for each bannerzone.
Also, nesting of bannerzones would be GREAT!!!! For example: My boards are organized geographically. Therefore, if a member is viewing Houston, it would be great if the banners appeared in order:
1. National banners at top
2. Texas banners below that
3. Houston banners below that
I am relatively certain that if the bannerzones were set up to include children forums this would work quite well...and somehow I suspect other sites out there could really benefit from this as well....so if one of you code wizards gets energetic, please get this going for us!!