I'm having a similar problem, it doesn't seem that any of our board functions involving an e-mail are working. I've been reading up on the issue and while I have don't have the whole answer yet perhaps bumping this thread with what little I have found might bring it to notice of someone with more complete information.
First off, on the Admin CP go to the Maintenance tab and then select Diagnostics. On that screen there's an E-Mail test, put your addy in there and run the test. If that test tells you all looks well and you still don't receive an e-mail they suggest contacting your hosting company and having them check the configuration of your e-mail server.
In my case I don't get the e-mail, my board's owner has spoken with the hosting company and they say the e-mail server looks fine on their end. I'm looking further for an answer but perhaps the above might help you. Good luck.
Oh, and until I do get this sorted out I turned off e-mail confirmations for new members. fortunately my forum isn't large enough (yet) for this to be too much of a problem. If you need to know how to do this it's Admin CP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Verify E-mail in Registrations.