Looking for uninstallation and selling faq
I have been searching 'selling' 'reselling on here and the vbul.com site for a few hours and cannot seem to find anything so, please pardon me if I am just blind/wrong section... or arrogant.
Bought Vbulletin 4.x about 3weeks ago. 1 year full license. My partner whom was going to maintain the site has bailed out on me. The site has already been installed into a domain/hosting and is up and running. Possible options I have been think about are...
- Uninstall site and reinstall it to a different domain? Creating a different forum that I would have interest in running?
- Sell the domain site and forum as a whole if it cannot be uninstalled?
- Uninstall the forum from current host and possibly selling it. It it is possible/aloud. Keeping everything legal and just taking a loss in profit. Which IMO is better than having a unused product. And (sadly) calling this a learning experience.
With thoughts in mind a few (possible) questions come to mind.
1. How to uninstall. Just delete everything from my host/file manager? Go into admin CP and have to deactivate it or something?
2. Info on selling, as procedures/step needed to take? FAQ?
3. Steps I need to take to prevent private data from being accessed by the new owners and other personal percautions?
4. Comments, thoughts or advice?