I'm upgrading from 3.8 to 4.1.2
HTML Code:
* Upgrading to 4.0.0 Alpha 1
* Moving picture 2423 into the Attachment System
* Step 89 - Albums Integration into Attachments Complete
* Moving picture 2188 into the Attachment System
* Step 90 - Groups Integration into Attachments Complete
* Step 91 - Altering moderator Table (1 of 1)
* Step 92 - Altering usergroup Table (1 of 1)
* Step 93 - Dropping Old vb3_albumpicture Table
* Step 94 - Dropping Old vb3_socialgrouppicture Table
* Step 95 - Dropping Old vb3_picture Table
* Step 96 - Altering picturecomment Table (1 of 6)
* Step 97 - Altering picturecomment Table (2 of 6)
* Step 98 - Altering picturecomment Table (3 of 6)
* Step 99 - Altering picturecomment Table (4 of 6)
* Step 100 - Altering filedata Table (5 of 6)
* Step 101 - Altering filedata Table (6 of 6)
* Step 102 - Updating vb3_attachment table
* Step 103 - Updating vb3_setting table
* The current step may take a long time to complete. Please be patient.
How long does this? Hours?