I know the following can be done. I just want to make sure.
This is what I am going to need.
When end users (members & guests) enter my future board how much modding would be needed to:
1. Have all users land on the advanced member page by default?
An individual would go to
www.mysite.com and land immediately on the default member search page.
2. Clean out 80% (either hide it or delete it) of the default stuff (instant messaging, and blah, blah, blah) that you now see on the advanced member search?
I want to have the advanced member search
filled with custom profile fields instead of all the existing stuff you now see mentioned in # 2. above.
3. Here is another question, does anyone
know how well searching multiple fields in custom created profile fields work in advanced member search works?
My goal is to actually have what is known as advanced member search be the standard search for my future site.
I also need to know if there is a place (forum) where I can find a qualified programmer to do this work for me once I get started on my project, I have already acquired my server, url, and everything else needed. I have researched for over a year on board technologies and keep coming back to vbulletin. This is the last thing I have to do, is purchase VB.
Any input would be appreciated.