Originally Posted by onehost
What do you guys think of this mod? I heard someone say it was the best auto thread tagger, after all that is why I came here, then I start reading threads, This doesnt work, that doesnt work, so I am not so sure now. I am looking for a very good auto tagger, but not something that is just going to drop two tags after many posts are created, I do have that problem now....
What do you guys think?
All of the issues in this thread have been resolved in the current version. After all it is still in beta. The only thing that I'm not really sure about is multilanguage support. I just don't have the means to test that.
Originally Posted by onehost
Do you need the vb default tagger enabled? I disabled the vb default tagger, and
enabled AMP tagger, and then I ran cron, I do not see any tags anywhere, ideas?
I'm not sure what you mean by the default tagger but vbulletin tags do have to be enabled. I hope that helps.
Originally Posted by clathrop
This installed just fine on VB 4.1.1. The Cron Job didn't re-tag all my threads it looks like but there are 60K plus threads and 1.2 million posts so maybe it timed out (or it's still running).
Really nice mod. I do have a suggestion. Make a phrase grouping option. For example if you had site about widgets and it is common to say "Red Widget" or "Blue Widget" it would be nice if you could enter those phrases in the back end and have it group them when running the tag selection.
With that many posts it will take a very long time. It shouldn't timeout because I added some controls in the cron to compensate for that. It won't tag threads that already have tags unless that is enabled in the options. The conjob tags threads without any tags by default though. Even though, with a forum that size, it'll still take some time with either option you choose.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean about the phrase grouping but you can add phrases to the Goodwords field in the options and it will add them to every thread. Is that what you're looking for?