Originally Posted by bananalive
'Submit a Loss' is useful as people won't falsely submit a loss it doesn't need moderation or confirmation.
'Submit a Win' would need some form of moderation to prevent users falsely submitting the game as a win. If you or anyone else has any ideas on how it would work then let me know.
What you say makes sense. The issue I see is user behaviour. If i lose I'm not going to submit a lose as I no longer have interest since I'm eliminated from the tournament, thus holding up the process.
For the ESL (Starcraft 2) they allow either the winner or the loser to report the result. If the report is wrong the winner sends through the replay to fix the issue.
I guess if the loser doesn't report the loss, the winner has to get in contact with the moderator of the tournament and send through the reply anyway same as if a false win was reported.
I just believe people are more likely to make the effort to report a win then to report a loss.
Maybe make it an option where you can either report a loss or win?