Originally Posted by Peter_AUS
I look at it this way. If there is a change that needs to be done, then it should be included on the first page, as a new update Version with a Date if Possible. As people looking for a Mod will look on the first page where it is normally located, not be looking through pages and pages of threads looking for a fix to a Mod. Hope that now makes sense to you. Maybe I live on a different planet to others.
See below
Originally Posted by Boofo
That is the problem. No one wants to read anything anymore. Not all authors are able to support their mods on a 24/7 basis. They do have real lives, too. As long as the fix can be found in the thread, then that is what really counts in the long run, right?
This is completely true. A lot of people don't realize that other members tend to contribute to an add-on when the developer doesn't and you are not going to find that on the first page. It's a PITA to go through some of the 50 page threads looking for a fix but usually people ask it over and over again and someone reposts it so it is not bad at all.
People forget they get these for free. They can spend some time searching.