Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
In there are three definitions related to the height check it out:
The innovativeadspan is the "Container" then innovativeadleft and right are for those sides respectively. If you change the left or right height to 200 then also change the innovativeadspan as well however the span should control the overall height regardless simply tinker to see the results but the span is the master value per say  .
I tried and tried but to no avail, with editing the css. I was however successful when i edited the postbit_legacy_ads_after_firstpost
the section here:
<div class="postdetails" style="height:220px;">
<div style="margin-top:10px;"></div>
Originally the height:220px was set to 320px, as well as the margin-top:10px was set to 20px. Either way, that was successful!
Thank you for this awesome addon, and I will be eagerly awaiting the next version with Admin CP editing of the ads!
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