Yes. I was talking about all DBTech stats in postbit thanks / awards / mentioned / activity bars etc. since i am having all PRO of it installed.
I have found that:
1. update of all DBTech plugins is required - to have the proper integration features;
2. uncheck the automatic popstbit display in all plugins integrated to avoid doubling of display.
Activity Stats Display Style: Postbit 'Uncheck' Below Post Count
In some DBTech Plugins
'Check' 'YES' in Manual Postbit Deployment
In other DBtech Plugins;
3. It's nice to play with postbit code of the plugins to achieve required effects

Mine looks right now as attached files shown;
3a. [REQUEST/BUG ] From there (3) I require to have thanks/likes to be shown as mentioned/tagged in the postbit code - to be able to separate it like the mentioned/tagged postbit code (see attachement 2).
The Mentioned/Tagged can be splitted (separated) while Thanks/Like statistics can be put as a group only.
Is it possible to have Thanks, Likes, Dislakes separated in the code?