Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
How to Customize the CSS:
I will update this as questions are posted.
In CSS Templates find the template adsafterfirstpost.css to adjust the CSS as desired.
*The Height and Width of the Ad container and the inner Left and Right Ad containers even though it shows in the screenshot and says max height of 260, can all be adjusted in the CSS template  .
*You can fully customize the template to show something other than ads, be creative and post if you have questions!
First off, thank you for taking something that required a whole ton of editing, and simplifying it for us "common folk"
I edited the adsafterfirstpost.css to read:
height: 200px;
rather than 260px, because I love the location and placing, however I would like to make it shorter in display. It hasnt reflected any changes tho, and is still displaying the 260px box/container. Am I doing something wrong?
thanks again!