Originally Posted by jbeam
Ok, I think I now see why it's not working. I assume that my default "Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk" string must not be listed in the mod.
This mod uses a regular expression to match any device name... basically it looks for:
"Sent from my XXX using Tapatalk" where XXX is any combination of letters and numbers, underscores, or dashes... the exact regular expression is:
Sent from my ([\w _-]+) using Tapatalk
and yes that should successfully match: "Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk" so I'm guessing it must be some other reason it's not working for you.
Originally Posted by yellowpeter
Due to overwhelmed response of this work, we will add a switch at the serverside so you will be able to turn it on/off for all members using Tapatalk, the app will not insert signature if you have it turned off.
We will roll it out for next iPhone and Android update. We will also update our Forum Owner Area so you can turn it to off explicitly. 
Awesome news!