Originally Posted by yayacannes
Great job but now i'm on 4.1.0 PL2 it's impossible to upload more than one picture by one picture, is there an issue please ?
Nope - this mod is a viewer - picture uploading is a built-in vB function
Originally Posted by PAMMG
New install on 4.1.2. Couple questions...
1. When adding an album, it only appears in 'my albums' and not in the album gallery. I'd like to create albums that all users can view
2. Can I prevent certain usergroups from creating an album and/or adding pictures?
Check the album isn't set to private, then check the permission settings for the groups you want to see the album. All standard vB stuff and nothing to do with this mod I'm afraid.
Even if guests do not have permission to view albums, this mod will show the album thumbnail (unless you change the setting specified in the mod) however, they will still not be able to see the actual album content.