Originally Posted by kermit2
We issued you a refund because you asked for one; and since you are no longer a customer, you're not actually entitled to be using the software - so we'd appreciate it if you installed it. That's also the reason why your posts have gone unanswered (if you browse the forum you'll notice that yours are the only unanswered posts).
I asked for a refund because you were avoiding helping and dealing with code issues. Your software has been removed because it is
full of bugs!!!
I'm making it public that your business practice and software is far from stable. You didn't help resolve my issues because you can't and to shut me up, you gave me a refund and bailed.
Please note... I have no intention to be hurtful towards you, however, I think its my responsibility to question you and to warn others on what I've experienced with your software. You ran instead of helping. You are clearly not 100% upfront here.
You are still taking money from people like this software is stable, when it definitely is not!
For others looking into an autolinking add-on, be very warned that this software caused a permission bridge to the admin section of vbulletin 4. It appears to give registered members admin permissions for some unknown. This is a very serious bug on top of the additional issues.
They/he is winging it here. They have a really cool thing started, but because (it is a one man show) I'm assuming this is why he is not able to keep up with vbulletin upgrades or deal with code issues in a timely manner.
Investing in this will only cause you grief.
You have been warned.
That being said...
I wish you the very best, truly, however, wouldn't it serve you better if you actually made an effort to improve your Mod rather than acting that way you are? Wouldn't it prove to the VB community that you are truly interested in improving this instead of telling me to stop using your product lol. Your response to me here only proves you are not at all interested in finding out why I am having trouble and how to improve your mod so that everyone will have a safer and better autolinking mod? You are defensive.
I asked for help many times and you avoided me.
What do you have to say about this now? You don't answer questions to your software unless you buy it. But you don't support it if there are problems.
You are full of it.:down: