I think forums are becoming more less popular. These days forums are very difficult to even get going, and if you do not have a bigboard forum today, then chances are you never will have one; at the sametime forums seem to be a dying breed, as forums become less popular, then vb becomes less popular, then forums like vb.org become less popular. I already know one forum that is vb related that has died like 1-2 years ago, at one time they did have traffic, now their forum like a trickle of posts here and there...some may not admit to what I am saying, but times are changing, but not for the better of forums, as facebook, twitter, and other social groups
have taken forum traffic, and I am sure if you have a bigboard then you probably have lost some traffic yourself, if you are a good
forum, then maybe you have picked up some traffic, but overall, I bet you that people will report a loss of traffic rather then a gain in traffic, and its not all social networks either, people are finally growing up to figure out they can not get rich setting up a forum,
and some people finally realize this just isnt going to make me rich so I am getting out of the forum business, as I bet you that
if you asked 9 out of 10 people, then 9 people think they will make money setting up a forum. 99.9% of all forums fail. It
is very rare these days that a new forum will make it over to the bigboard side; I will not say it is impossible but very rare, and
once people do grow up then finally realize they are not going to be the next get rich forum, then they are out....
We used to use pay phones, now we use cell phones.
We used to use BBS/SLBBS - now we use VB/Internet
...and whatever happened to the creators of search light bbs?
evolution and the internet killed them...at the time, I am sure
we all thought BBS would be around forever, killed by DSL/Internet...
what will be the killer extinction of forums?
We used to use dial up, then we dumped AOL for DSL.
We thought VB 3.x was cool, then we are slapped with 4.0
We use forums now, now social platforms are here...
If this keeps going downhill, then it will be pointless to setup a forum altogether....
So yes, times are in-deed changing...and maybe not for the best....