Just upgraded and I had this set up 3.6, but can't figure out how to do it on 3.8
I have a custom profile field that users can enter at registration, the field shows on their About Me section of their profile. I'd like to turn it into a link on the About Me. It would be a standard link, just pulling the field info into the link.
On 3.6 I had a template called "memberinfo_customfields" that had the following in it:
<dt class="smallfont"><strong>$profilefield[title]</strong>:</dt>
<if condition="$profilefield[profilefieldid] == 8">
<dd class="smallfont"><a href="http://$profilefield[value].url.com/?signup=x" target="_blank">$profilefield[value]</a></dd>
<else />
<if condition="$profilefield[profilefieldid] == 9">
<dd class="smallfont">$profilefield[value] (<a href="http://url.com/login/minisearchpost.cfm?couples=1&zipcode=$profilefield[value]&signup=x" target="_blank">Find More People Near $userinfo[username]</a>)</dd>
<else />
<dd class="smallfont">$profilefield[value]</dd>
I don't know if I can still use this template and pull into the new about me section where these profile fields show up or not... and if so I don't know how to do it.