Great mod! I guess you have the only vB4 mods with search integration
I found two small bugs:
- In the vbglossar_mailtofriend template replace
- The mod doesn't work with CSS as files. In the vbglossar_showcat template you have for example:
HTML Code:
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['storecssasfile']">
{vb:cssfile forumdisplay-rollup.css}
<vb:else />
{vb:cssfile toolsmenu.css,forumbits.css,forumdisplay.css,threadlist.css,memberlist.css,postlist.css,showthread.css,postbit.css,attachment.css,poll.css,lightbox.css,options.css}
But forumdisplay-rollup isn't enough. That rollup doesn't contain all CSS files listed in the else clause. For example memberlist.css is missing in it.
The same goes for the vbglossar_home template. For example toolsmenu.css is missing in it when you have CSS as files.
Solution: create custom glossary rollup xml's with all necessary templates listed in them.
And a suggestion: add custom meta descriptions (and keywords) to the vbglossar_showentry template. Now all entries have the same, default meta information. You need to disable the default ones in headinclude for that with a plugin setting $show['threadinfo'].