Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I can confirm larger images aren't importing right, such as this one:
Might be a sever limitation, not sure... will see if I can figure anything out.
Can you give me a link to an image that is giving you the second problem?
Stand by ...
I think you may be onto something ...
y2ksw sent me an email and suggested I try to increase my PHP memory variable from the current 16 MB, which he thought was maybe is a little low. He recommended to give it at least 8 MB more (on linux, this setting (memory_limit) should be at /etc/php5/php.ini). I've asked our tech support to increase it from 16MB to 32MB just in case.
Once they do that, I'll start re-testing the big pics....
Thanks for your testing to validate the issue ... :up: