@borbole, sorry for not replying sooner, since nobody replied to any threads i posted i haven't been around the forum much. only checking in to view pms, as those are the only replies i receive here.
you are completely right though, the tone of some of the people replying to threads (mods) is ridiculous. i understand it to an extend, as i am not a coder at all, i'm more of a leecher. but i reply to every mod i install, and always thank who ever codes a mod i or try out. i've donated to 5 people on here in my lifetime, for mods i no longer use as they are outdated, and i don't see that as thrown out money at all. the unwillingness to register on a coder's forum to show some appreciation or even download a mod-fix/update i cannot understand, but i do understand some posters catching feelings over lack of support. i was looking for a facebook lookalike skin, there are 3 or 4 i believe on here, with practically no information to them, some the examples/demos don't work and they also don't have screencaps, i replied to every one of them weeks ago, and pm'd every one i could who created one, but didn't get a single reply to any of my questions on their mods nor any pms. which is frustrating, i mean imagine looking for a mod for so long, finally finding it, and
a) not getting it to work
b) not knowing how it works
@blackthorn, i have never even looked at xenforo, i just read it was an option people chose over vbulletin, but i'll take your word for it. and yes i think facebook and twitter dumb-down people, i mean telling people that you feel like eating out today is alright, but publicizing your zip code, street or phone number, and telling people what time you're going to "that" cinema, to watch "this" movie, etc, is just asking for trouble. imagine al capone or 2pac had twittered, they wouldn't have survived a single day. but i get it, knowing what your friends are up to and who they are dating can definitely be entertaining.
@steveman, kier is doing xenforo? i did not know that, so he left vb? wow... i'm late on everything... again.
i think, the old coders have just gotten too old, and have got too much going on in their life, to even make time for their old vb-hobby, and because there is too much around (facebook, twitter, youtube, wordpress & blogger (people just creating their own blogs to talk about things)), the younger people don't even have an opportunity to get into something like vbulletin. there used to be a lot of social forums around which worked great, and were highly popular, nowadays people find it better to socialize with their friends rather than with strangers, so facebook comes in handy, and everyone you don't know has a picture of themselves, so you always feel like you know who you're dealing with. the only reason to sign up on a forum these days is to ask/talk to specialists regarding a specific topic. I own a 3D TV, only 1 of my friends does, so who am i gonna talk to things about it? i look for then sign up on a 3D movies site, to talk, ask and download some 3d material.