Originally Posted by cpvrx
Facebook isn't killing forums - if you think it is, then you need to work harder, and try something new.
There's so many various communities out there, and they continue to grow. Same with niche forums.
Well, maybe I don't see it that way. I will not argue with you or someone else 'cause I always respect people's opinion but I also don't think this, however certanly people is interacting more there, spending more time there, and thus, leaving less time for our forums so I'm sure it's pretty good a reason. Fight against facebook is like fighting destiny...lol, No matter how hard you try, you will fail their power is a fact. The time will come soon, I hope when facebook fade away as the vacuous nonsense they ultimately are. Looking for "how to" or open communities, nothing yet beats forums. What/ever really I'm still hating facebook.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Its typical how this topic is a hot topic on every webmaster forum that I visit. Its clearly a worrisome issue for webmasters.
And with good reason. Forums now need to content with facebook over the time that members spend online. And facebook keeps calling them. In fact, I have 3 new facebook friend requests waiting for me now.
I've tried facebook and hate it. Even the folks that have good things to talk about are reduced to blathering nonsense when I look them up on facebook lol. A lot of users spend so much of their time on facebook, and very little on my own. I still gets lots of people visiting but I also have lost a lot. I would guess everyone has experienced it and there is nothing else I can attribue this to, other than to facebook. I have seen it, observed it and analyzed it.