Originally Posted by Lynne
You've done a very nice job with the look of your forums on your site!
Thanks! I'm glad to see I'm heading in the right direction.
Though I do have another question.
I would like each of my forums to have a customized header image. I did some searching and most of the results I found were for previous versions of vBulletin, or the solutions were ineffective, e.g. creating multiple styles. All of which poses a problem for me (vB 4 user, and the lighter the better),
this solution seemed to make the most sense. Even though it was posted back in '06.
It wasn't really clear (not enough for a green-sleeve anyway) exactly where I needed to put the code, what to replace etc.
I thought I'd give it a try anyhow, I navigated over to "Style Manager", and in the drop-down box of my installed template, and under template options clicked "Edit Template" and in the left hand box I scrolled down until I found "header", after selecting I clicked edit
Inside, I replaced:
HTML Code:
<img src="{vb:stylevar titleimage}" alt="{vb:rawphrase x_powered_by_vbulletin, {vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}}" />
HTML Code:
<img src="./images/logo/logo-$foruminfo[forumid].jpg" />
Then, in the images directory via FTP I created a new folder labeled "logo", and uploaded my header image with the forum ID "logo 2.jpg" I also tried "logo2.jpg, logo-2.jpg and 2.jpg" none of this worked, instead my header disappeared completely.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.