To try and keep things simple, I just added a couple of tabs to the nav bar. The new tabs appear with the name that I want and are fully clickable to the link that I want.
However, when I click onto my new tab it highlights when it's supposed to and then when the new page appears, the tab is no longer highlighted after I move the cursor. The Forum tab automatically highlights, yet the page does not change to the Forum page.
This only happens with the new tabs that I created. I'm using v4.1.2
The tabs were created as a plugin and the hook location is process_templates_complete
Here's the html in the plugin that I used to create one of the new tabs:
$template_hook['navtab_middle'] .= '<li'.$tabselected.'><a class="navtab" href="">U.S.A. Listings</a>'.$tablinks.'</li>';
Is there anything missing in this html?
Thanks Again