How I found the piece of code that I pasted in the forumbit_level2_post, I stumbled upon
this thread. However I have no idea how to use it. I did the basics, replaced the coding as instructed then edited this bit of the code:
HTML Code:
images/forumbackgrounds/{vb:raw forum.forumid}.gif
So it pointed(?) to my image for forum 1:
HTML Code:
Very odd. Both of them are calling 25.gif and yet they are forumid 2 and 3. But, you don't have a 2.gif or 3.gif, so nothing is going to show for either of them. Why do you have an image for 25.gif if you have no forumid 25?
Okay, I just copy and pasted the code, so I have two sitting beside one another. Pointing to two different images, labeled 2 and 3 (Like the forum IDs):
HTML Code:
<div style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); height: 70px; background: url("images/forumbackgrounds/2.gif") no-repeat scroll right bottom rgb(255, 255, 255);" class="foruminfo td">
HTML Code:
<div style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); height: 70px; background: url("images/forumbackgrounds/3.gif") no-repeat scroll right bottom rgb(255, 255, 255);" class="foruminfo td">
But that didn't work, now I have two images squeezed together in each forum.
Sorry if I'm missing something really basic here, I have absolutely no experience when it comes to things like coding. Everyone has to start somewhere I suppose.