Originally Posted by Paul M
The vb4.x add-ons forum has 1053 mods in it, compared to 1025 for vb3.7, or 1157 for vb 3.8 - so not really much of a difference, esp given that 3.8 has over a years headstart on 4.x.
And during this year VB 4.x made it already to more threads in the support forum than 3.8 in the entire time - not bad

Software doesn't get better if you blow it more and more - and that's maybe the problem since the VB 4.0 release. More functions, more bugs, next release has some bugfixes but again more functions and other bugs.
Like Facebook for users, people (admins) want it simple and working and at the moment VB just doesn't offer this.
Just saying that with the upcoming of Facebook and Twitter the timing to "convert" VB from the nearly perfect 3.8.x into the buggy overloaded 4.x release was very bad. Not to forget that other software - if it didn't got better, they at least were able to hold their standards.