Originally posted by smachol
It sounds like you are allowing HTML is posts. Unfortunately that's just one of the reasons this isn't a good idea. Good luck finding a way to stop this.
Good luck as in: Good luck or Good luck as in: There aint no chance you are going to prevent that?
If not completely eliminating it, is there a way where image sizes can exceed 3 characters so that the maximum a picture could get if somebody was trying to mess up a thread would be 999 x 999? Is something like that possible? I just don't like it when people come to my forum and create images that are 99999999999999 x 99999999999999 resolutions. But, my users really like html, and I would hate to turn it off, just because of some prick that us abusing it.
Any ideas/help..... besides turning off html?
Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.