[QUOTE]Originally posted by dlst
Ok, so tell me if I'm hearing you right:
You would like a system that does the following:
1) check the list of users and find similar email usernames (the part that comes before that @domain.com)
2) take that list of similars (call them potential dupes) and check passwords and ip addresses for possible close or match.
3) generate that list of potentials, with links to contact that user about the potential problem.
You would have the following options:
$sim_limit_show - how many duplicates to show (-1 for all)
$sim_tolerance - how close a match do you want?
$sim_checkpass - (T/F) check for similar passwords?
$sim_pass_tolerance - how close a match on passwords?
$sim_checkip - (T/F) check for similar ips?
$sim_ip_tolerance - how close a match on ips?
$sim_orderby - (DATE/ALPHA) how do you want list displayed?
And the code above would have to be it's own section in the admin, which you could run from time to time, without having to take down the registration at all...
Have I got this right? Is this what you are looking for? let me know if I've left out anything.