Originally Posted by jitsuboy
When you say I uploaded as is, what do you mean? I edited it to make it read like this: RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ http://www.mysite.com/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1 [L]
This is incorrect. Re-upload the default htaccess file to your forum root. No changes are needed to the file itself.
I've Chmod 777 the data folder to my root
this doesn't even make sense....
I also moved my vb folder from my public_html to the root directory.
I have it set to VBSEO installed: No
When I moved my VB folder to the root directory my site would no longer load. So I just moved it back and now it works fine. Could you clarify what you mean by that?
Also, what do you mean that I'm showing it installed in the forum?
Who knows wht you did here moving everything around.
Start over. stop moving stuff, and follow the readme file step by step.
Originally Posted by Alibass
Thanks for somebody at vBSEO for not replying! 
Fast & Full support is offered for our vBSEO customers first. We will get here when and if we can. If it's not fast enough, you can purchase a license to receive our priority support.
[QUOTE=your24hourstore;2160336]wouldnt expect to much in a free mod when they sell a premium mod
add: wow the mod in here that adds to a previous post isn't working
more details please?
Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
This update places the site map
And not vbseo_sitemap/data/sitemap_index.xml.gz
So honestly, this make it more SEO friendly. 
The htacces file does this, and always has since day 1 of the mod released, as it is required by google/etc to have the sitemap file load from the base directory, but making your public_html directory writable is just, well, dumb. So, we put it in its own data folder and use mod_rewrite to make it appear to be in the site or forum root depending on where you installed your board.
Originally Posted by your24hourstore
ha i got it so im deleting all the crap above
went with /vbseo_sitemap/sitemap_index.xml.gz
Which is incorrect.
It should load from
depending on where you installed your board.
vbseo_sitemap/ should never appear in the url of the sitemap itself, just the admin interface.