Originally Posted by thespi
Yes we're having trouble starting a forum, it's hardest to get the first few members but people will remain loyal if they like the forum.
I hate to say, but what do you have to offer that I can not find on the
top 5 big forums? forums are a saturated market, everyone and
their grandmother is trying to start a forum about the same
topics you can find on the top biggest forums...
that is what everyone else is having a hard time...
they made it first to the top...
everyone else did not....
you are right to a point, people are going to have their favi
forums that they hang on, and unless you can offer them
something better, then they will continue to hang where
they have most likely been hanging for years...
and not everyone likes evil facebook...
I am not a fan of facebook either, never have been...
If your forum is not making it, then it is not because of
facebook, it is because of what you are not doing right....