@Wordplay I don't think it so xenforo suckcs yet 'cause there is no blogs, there is no social groups, there is no photo albums, there is no arcade games, there is no point market system, there is no more! Of course this is the matter of taste I'm respect people who using it.
Well, I just think the one main reason is facebook 'cause it offers so much and also the users could create groups etc within the site, the usage of forums have gone down. but still if the content is good enough the users who really get something out of the active forum conversations will stick to it. A forum conversation is more on thread but facebook has many distractions when compared to a forum. I really don't like facebook it 'cause people being lazy to increase their acknowledge especially in forum that can be useful if we can manage it. sometimes people just seeking fun but don't know the benefits of it. Keep sharing on mailing list and Forum don't be junk by facebook so I've said this on my
this post.