well, I used a <if condition> to limit a change in the template threadbit I did, I used to do if the limitation that only appear where the modification can take the necessary information, it worked normally and not appearing on the topics that do not have information you want in this modification.
But if I set a topic that there is no hidden information <if> the modification, but if I set a topic where it hides <if> modification automatically pinned topics where <if> should hide the change, get appear on the topic where the information enables the information <if> Mod.
the code used was:
<if condition="$uploadinfo[servidores]"><div class="smallfont"><b>Servidores:</b> $uploadinfo[servidores]</div></if>
he conten information from another mod, but I've used the tag itself vbulletin to see if it was problem with the mod, where the information was death, the more the problem happens the same way.