Originally Posted by voglermc
Please look at this page:
I used the 9 vertical positions in the sidebar to track each banner. If I use 1 of those again I could possibly have a duplicate show. correct?
You may use for all of these banners a single position. If you have 9 banners to show, and 9 placeholders if the same position, all of them will appear. if you have less, then less and if you have more, they will rotate, showing all at an average medium. And they will also rotate "in place", giving each page a different order of each every time a page loads.
Typically, a 9 banner layout each below each other would look like:
<!--@vbbanners:1@--><br /><br />
<!--@vbbanners:1@--><br /><br />
<!--@vbbanners:1@--><br /><br />
<!--@vbbanners:1@--><br /><br />
<!--@vbbanners:1@--><br /><br />
<!--@vbbanners:1@--><br /><br />
<!--@vbbanners:1@--><br /><br />
<!--@vbbanners:1@--><br /><br />
No matter what, each banner can be click tracked accurately.
Of course, if you need each banner to stay in a certain place, then it does not make much sense to use this plugin and you are better off with a manual insertion of each of the banners in your templates