Hi Mark --
Getting that image like you want it is going to be some template work as they are calling a function to make that line up. To do what is wanted we'd have to track back, clone the function and makes changes, then change the widget to call your new function. I'd have to dig into that and I'm a bit crunched for time for the next 10 days or so.
Btw - Never change the base VBulletin templates - always make a
new style and then modify the template
to be changed in YOUR style - Save you it will, at upgrade time - bcause the default VB style will always work. I learned many years ago not to try to fool mother nature
Now, you may ask, how in tarnation would I do that? Simple - Export the default style to your 'puter as an xml file and then reimport it - following the guideline below;
Create a new style with no parent style and give it a NEW name - Like "MarksTest".
Leave it as non-selectable by users.
Now - You have your own little test style that you can do what you want with and no one but yor hairdresser will know for sure

Once you get stuff like you want, you can publish your style to your community by making it selectable. Or cast it into the unknown depths of the bit-bucket and start over.
2nd post - Check your recurring dates/times - make sure the end time is beyond what you are looking at. On the site I am building, there is an
event that takes place this evening, but my calendar shows it and so does this mod as a widget in the CMS.
--> I also added location selection logic to seperate by location (based upon a rexexp i am looking for in the title field) so that I can list music events by location on location specific CMS pages, or lump them all together in a sidebar by using the basic widget above.