Originally Posted by Ophelia
I apologize for this. What happens if we have 4.0.3? We are currently have Links and Downloads Manager that was created by Andrew, who passed away. We don't want to upgrade vBulletin because there are some reports that the L&D stops working, and we need it working in order to move stuff from it to you. If we install the DownloadsII on 4.0.3. will it work enough for us to start importing over, with the expectation of upgrading to the most current version of vB as soon as the importing is done?
I was running it on 4.0.3 for awhile

It will def. work fine for you till you can convert. Then upgrading to the latest version of VB shouldn't be a problem.
Originally Posted by fusionpot
im currently having the issue were i cannot upload large files, and Ive gone throw all 81 pages, Ive seen like 5+ different fixes is there anyone who can sum up all the fixes so i can do it on my end or contact my host company for the changes?
What Ophelia said.
This is most likely due to low settings in your php.ini file. Either you need to access it and change the values directly, have your host change them for you, or you can try to do a work around with a htaccess file. But you're looking for upload sizes and max execution times and set them to something ridiculous