Originally posted by jminiman
Is this line not powerful enough to comment it out? I am still "enjoying" the same behavior of all mods getting access to newly added private forums:
while ( list($key,$userid)=each($accessto) ) {
// vB.org Remark $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO access (userid,forumid,accessmask) VALUES ('$userid','$forumid',1)");
It all depends onhow you give people access. For me, an access mask permission isn't stanard, I use usergroups for everything as its easier to deal with large numbers of users. If you have many private forums and many usergroups like I do for hosted clans/projects, the new moderator gets access to every single private forum - which I dont wan't. It assumes you want a moderator to be able to access any forum.
If you don't need it too, don't comment it out.