Originally Posted by tokenyank
You do realise that Zoints hasn't been active on this site since '09 right? Your petition, whilst well meaning, will do nothing.
The only way this can be released is if Zoints logs on (for the first time in 2 years) or someone else codes the mod from scratch using unique code.
Funnily enough, I don't really see either of these two solutions happening anytime soon!
Oooooorrrrr... the mod could be updated by someone NEW, who then credits the mod as being written by Zoints - upgraded to v.4.xx by <MODDERS NAME HERE>.
This way Zoints retains their 'ownership' (for whatever THAT'S worth after all this time) and the upgraded version is then able to be used by those of us DESPERATE for it!
If Zoints care enough to get annoyed - personally I'll be highly surprised. More likely they'll shrug and continue to ignore it. If not, they can ask for it to be handed BACK to them fully, at which point we can all then throw rubbish at them and point out their dubious ancestory.