Originally Posted by Alibass
I tried going back to v1.2.8 after a complete uninstall and I started getting a DB error while trying to import xml file. So I re-installed v2.0.1 and looks like my issue is a mod conflict with KeyCAPTCHA here.
I disabled KeyCAPTCHA mod and now SOM is displaying stats on forum home page and in the logs in admincp. It would be nice if I could get both mods to work together like I did when I had v1.2.8 installed.
Thanks for the news on that it had me scratching my head a bit. I actually am not running any human verification on our boards and have maybe 1 spammer a week who slips by but they end up getting moderated so hopefully you will be as lucky as me and not need the keycaptcha mod.
I will put this on the list of known conflicts.