Originally Posted by ericgtr
New mods have all but stopped being released, with a trickle of what it used to be.
There have been 79 new releases in the last 30 days. I dont think that quite counts as a trickle just yet.
The vb4.x add-ons forum has 1053 mods in it, compared to 1025 for vb3.7, or 1157 for vb 3.8 - so not really much of a difference, esp given that 3.8 has over a years headstart on 4.x.
Most of the stuff released for 3.x is now available for 4.x. The greatest release activity is usually after a vb version change - but due to the way IB do this now, the change from 4.0 to 4.1 didnt require a mass re-release.