is it true that xenforo and ipb are so much more active?
@borbole, since you have only been a member for a year i would like to circle out the fact that it would seem impossible for you to relate to how it "used to be".
let me try to make your other points a little more invalid as well.
i have been a member here for years, posted a 4 paid requests in my lifetime. all 3 i posted before 2010, filled up by inbox with more than 10 different coders wishing to take on the project., regardless of how big or small it was the one i posted a week ago got me 1 real coder to offer me his services.
secondly, i did do my search found a lot of threads were people were asking other questions regarding the same topic i had 2 questions on, sadly non asked my question, so instead of hijacking someone elses thread (which i was sure wasn't going to get me any replies considering the inactivity of the board), i started a new thread, 2 never before seen questions, and still no answer.
i'm not placing any blame on the staff, or anyone else for that matter. i mean if some many migrated away from vbulletin there must be various reasons for that. such as stated before, with facebook, myspace, twitter, youtube, etc, a lot of people no longer have the time to run around forums. luckily i have another solid forum idea i'm sure will take off.
my only disappointment here is that i chose vbulletin for this project rather than look into it's competition first. if it is really doing much better, i'm sure there is a reason for it. if it does have more coders lurking around it's forum, for example, that would be enough reason for me.