Originally Posted by viper357
Thanks for that, it is running 100% on my 3.8.5.
Just one question if you don't mind, is there any way I can prevent it from posting the first post of the original thread? Much appreciated, thanks.
The second post of the new thread is the first post of the old thread so I'd try commenting out or removing this code in the plugins. It's found in both plugins.
//create the second post in the new thread
$newPostNTF = $db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post (title, threadid, username, userid, dateline, pagetext, visible, parentid, showsignature) VALUES ('" . $db->escape_string($oldPostF['title']) . "', " . $newThreadId . ", '" . $db->escape_string($oldPostF['username']) . "', " . $oldPostF['userid'] . ", " . $newTime . ", '" . $db->escape_string($oldPostF['pagetext']) . "', 1, " . $newPostId . ", 1)");
$newPostNTFId = $db->insert_id();