deleted image in album causes deleted image in forum post
Is there any way to keep images in forum threads that have been linked to from member albums? Here is the issue:
Member A creates an album of photos. Then goes into the forum and posts a question using one or more photos from his album. The thread plays out over the next few days and Member A gets his question answered.
Member A then goes to his album where he originally posted his photos and decides that since his question is answered, he no longer needs the photo(s) in his album. SO, he deletes the photo or perhaps the entire album. Now, when visiting the thread created by Member A, visitors and members only see a red x or missing image. This ruins the thread for future use since no one can see the original image.
I have turned off the ability to delete images attachments to posts in the forum, but this doesn't seem to stop the member from deleting the image from his album and thus, the image linked to that album through the bbcode.
I know I can just remove the ability to delete photos and albums, but this is counter productive since why would anyone upload images into an album that they cannot organize and change? So for now, I don't use the vb albums - which I believe my members would really enjoy.
I am looking for a way to 'save' the image once it is posted to a thread - even if it is deleted in the member album. Is this possible? If so, how?