Originally posted by TWTCommish
If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know...I'd love to improve this hack further.
I have one for you, and I hope it's not giving you nightmares already

I'd love to have category support, whereas I could put words into a certain category. Like:
IMO > category chat language
moderator > category vbulletin terms
vbcode > category vbulletin terms
Hotsync > category Palm (specific for my site)
The glossary itself would then be displayed like this:
term ---------------------- explanation --------------- category
imo ----------------------- in my opinion -------------- chat language
moderator -------------- board supervisor --------- vbulletin term
Hotsync ----------------- synchronization ----------- PalmOS
You could extend this feature to let users filter on glossary terms only in a specific category.
Hope you like the idea, if not: implement it anyway
By the way: did I say I already I like the concept and the implementation of this hack VERY VERY much! A big thank you of a happy user of vbGlossary! :up:
- djr