Hello there

Thank you Digital Jedi!
I'm currently running a board under vB3.8 and will be upgrading shortly to the vB4.1.x series. Right now, we use a fluid banner.
We would like to approach our upgrade with a new design but still retain certain features that our members love, one of which - the fluid banner.
I've created a radio button in the user profile fields, so members can switch between which header style they'd like.
This is the code I've edited/changed in the header template.
<vb:if condition="$post[field8] == 'Yes'">
<div id="headerFill"><div id="headerL"></div><div id="headerR"></div></div>
<vb:else />
<div><a name="top" href="{vb:raw vboptions.forumhome}.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}" class="logo-image"><img src="{vb:stylevar titleimage}" alt="{vb:rawphrase x_powered_by_vbulletin, {vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}}" /></a></div>
In theory, that should work? But I think the variable is wrong for the condition. Unless the field is specifically set to 'Yes' (default being 'No'..) then it should show the standard logo, correct?
Any help appreciated!