Site Name: English Bulldog News
Description: Forum for English Bulldog Owners and those searching for an English Bulldog
Reason for Nomination: I am a mother of 4 children and 5 English Bulldogs. I created this forum 1 year ago, and have learned everything on a step by step basis. From taking 3 days to initially install the forum (yes- it took me that long to figure it out!), to now having a wonderful community of members. Our site is what you may call 'split', since there is the forums, but also all the created site pages done in html.
English Bulldogs are not an easy breed to care for, they require more maintenance than your average dog. Our members are constantly helping educate bulldog owners and give them the help they need, and advice whenever they need it. With all the scams and bad breeders of English Bulldogs out there, we are there to help guide new and future owners on the care their bulldog needs.
When we found out about things like poor diet and how this can effect the immune system, and ultimately cause the English Bulldog costly vet bills, tear stains, allergies.... and not to mention the smell!!! We created the Dog Food Ratings and Nutrition board to help EB owners learn about dog food and the change it can make. We have been thanked over and over for this information, and many of our dedicated active members have brand new bulldogs because of this information.
We also have a team of rescue moderators, who search rescue organizations all over the USA and Canada for English Bulldogs for Adoption and cross post them in the "Available English Bulldogs For Adoption" board. We are very proud of this team and what they do, and educating people on Rescue Organizations and hoping they will choose to adopt, is a wonderful achievement, and it has been very successful.
We have also utilized the subscription tool at vbulletin to create Hospice Sponsorship for EB's that will forever be in rescue, because of their age and condition they will never be able to find a new 'FURever' home. So we have many sponsors who receive an award for the profile, using the Award system modification.
We have tons of awards and achievements that can be earned, plus the use of the Point Market system we also use our earnings from advertising to donate to English Bulldog Rescues and the Susan G. Komen foundation for breast cancer research, some fun awards, Free dog food, and more. This modification has brought a way for the users to gain points to redeem for REAL things.
We also have a photo of the month contest that is a big hit with our members, and we use constant contact and generate a bi-weekly newsletter.
We believe we have the right combination of mods at our site to make it fun and engaging, and want to say a special thanks to all the developers out there that give these wonderful additions to us for free here at
With the use of RSS, we have been able to create pages on facebook that automatically cross-post all new posts within our forums to our pages. We also tweet each post using another website via RSS, so we have all social media included with little effort on our part. (Which is good because it used to eat up several hours a day!)
Our motto is "For Information, Advice, Friendships and Fun!" and I think we have accomplished all of those in our forums in just one year, and we are very proud to say this is our forum!