Originally Posted by Brian30fl
Installed could you tell me where to edit so i can center the box in the registration page?
Hi, Brian30fl,
thank you for your time to try out our KeyCAPTCHA.
Please open a ticket for support on
keycaptcha.com site to our support team by clicking on the "Support Team" tab
(at upper right corner of site's webpage)
then the "Add New Ticket" link.
The "Support Team" tab is visible for logged-in visitors only
This (opening a ticket) will permit us to communicate with you more efficiently and promptly as we will be able to identify already entered by you related data.
Also, some users download and install our plugin without registration and receiving a private key specific to each site (without which any captcha servie is inoperable).
Waiting a ticket from you now,
KeyCAPTCHA Support Team